Rights and Opportunities for Girls

In Masai culture, there are significant differences between women and men. Women are oppressed, have few rights, and lack the freedom to make their own choices. Traditionally, girls are supposed to be married off in their teenage years. A common practice here is also to subject girls to female genital mutilation before this happens. The girl is then married off to an older man who often has multiple wives. Polygamy is very common. Women's tasks and roles in society are usually based on being a mother, milking cows, and fetching water.
In recent times, more Masai girls have pursued education. Some have become more aware of their rights and see education as the only opportunity for their daughters to create a better future with more opportunities and freedom. A major problem is that they lack economic resources to pay for schooling and often the girls have to help their mothers at home. Education for boys is prioritized, and families with multiple children and limited resources must choose one child to prioritize. This is usually the case.