The families we support faces challenges such as food scarcity for their children and limited access to clean water. To address this, we provide monthly food supplies to ensure that the children enrolled in our education program have sufficient nutrition at home. Additionally, during their participation in classes, playtime, and other activities, we ensure they are provided with meals and ample access to clean water.
Nutrition and access to clean water play a crucial role in children's development, health and well-being. They are fundamental for maintaining concentration and academic performance in school. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring that children have the necessary nutrition and clean water, both at home and during our educational endeavors.
On the organization’s property in Narok, we have constructed an underground water tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters. Our closest neighbor owns a private well, and a pipeline from their well passes through our property. This allows our tank to be continuously filled with clean water from their well. The tank is regularly cleaned to ensure the water remains safe for consumption. Local community members and the families we support have access to this water tank, providing them with a reliable source of clean drinking water.